PAUSE asks for user input 'press any button to continue', (these can be removed from the above code to speed things up)ĬALL contacts and opens an exsisting program or file.ĮXIT once the batch has confirmation the file has opened it will close the batch file window.
the path must be inside quotation marks for Vista and Win7 to prevent long filename issues.
REM is hidden text to notate what is happening (these can be removed)ĭEL is the delete command. To explain OFF prevents the batch file from looping REM The next line will start World of WarcraftĬALL 'C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe' REM The next line deletes the creature cacheĭEL 'C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb'
Once this is done copy and paste the following lines into notepad then click OFF To start open Notepad and click File then Save AsĪnd select your desktop for location to save the file, and click Save This takes a little PC savy but easy once you know the basics. This batch file creation will allow you to delete the cache file and start wow in one click. The reason for this is that you can not manually reset rare creatures found in the addon and it takes manually deleting the file to reset the addon. You can use a batch file to automate the deletion process of the creaturecache.wdb file for _NPCscan in Windows Vista and Win7.